Tuesday, according to Apple is the day! I have no idea WHAT that exactly means, but Stevie J. obviously has another iMagical day planned for us. There are a couple of rumors floating around, but nothing really set in stone. Earlier today (Monday 15-Nov-10), Apple published a teaser on its website, indicating that an exciting iTunes announcement is coming at 7 a.m. Pacific, 10 a.m. Eastern on Tuesday, 16-Nov-10.
The mention of iTunes could hint that the product will be related to the streaming of content, perhaps from the new North Carolina data center Apple built. There have been rumors floating around for months that Apple has been working on a cloud-based service that would allow users to stream their music to any connected iDevice.
Apple closed down Lala, a music streaming service it acquired last year. When the service was shut down, many people assumed that was the sign that Apple started construction of its own, branded version of an iTunes cloud service. Word on the street, however, is that there have been substantial negotiation issues with content providers, preventing the release of the robust service, I know Steve has floating round in his brain. This would seem to coincide and line up very nicely with the Apple TV recent hardware and software update. The $99 iOS-based device has limited internal storage and relies on the renting of TV shows and movies, streamed directly from the iTunes servers to a user’s home.